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Major Sporting Events Require Better Logistics

July 31, 2013
Major sporting events such as the World Cup and Olympics are a critical time for players and teams, but what about the corporations supplying apparel, equipment, food and beer, televisions, and the list goes on and on. For those companies, prepping and improving logistics operations is key to beating the competition during those big events.

Brick and Mortar in E-Commerce 2.0

May 15, 2013
With the recent release of the Samsung Galaxy S4, I finally reached the tipping point and tossed my antiquated Blackberry to the wayside, but when I was researching which smartphone to select, I looked online only to be overwhelmed by the number of options. This led me to visit a small kiosk in the mall before finally making my purchase online. In this instance, and in many others as the trend continues to grow, the storefront served to augment my online buying decision...

6 Helpful Tips when Working with CAD

May 02, 2013
Computer-aided design programs have become a staple in many engineering practices, but sometimes it can feel like an uphill battle trying to get them to cooperate. They have a tendency to be buggy, crash, or unable to execute certain commands. But not to worry, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of things going wrong and to produce better drawings...

From New Hire to Part of the Team

March 14, 2013
Have you ever started a new job and felt like a small fish swimming alone in a big new pond? Here are some recommendations for successfully transitioning your new hire into a card-carrying member of the team.

Girl Scout Cookie Sales vs. Material Handling Sales

March 08, 2013
What do Girl Scout Cookies have to do with material handling? Everything! Cookies are made with various conveyors in the baking and coating process. Boxed cookies are put into cases; cases are glued with automated equipment, stacked on pallets, stored in racks, and logistics services route the orders to the local service centers.

Size Does Matter...When It Comes to SKUs

February 28, 2013
I just had a discussion with a colleague in our consulting group about a client who wanted him to design a picking area. The problem was the client didn’t have any product size information. To this client, the size of a case was “case size,” and an individual item was smaller than “case size.” Regrettably, many distribution operations have little information about the size of the product they are distributing, but know size information has many advantages...

5 Basics of Good Customer Service

February 21, 2013
Any organization providing products and services should have a solid, if not excellent, customer service and support system in place. Although providing top-notch customer service involves a variety of tactics and procedures, by turning these five actions into habits, you will be well on your way to keeping customers engaged and satisfied...

3 Essential Traits of Good Project Managers

February 20, 2013
All project managers are NOT created equal. Some are more schedule-focused, while others are more budget-driven. Some spend more time on procurement management, and yet others concentrate on ensuring scope creep doesn’t occur. Regardless of what a project manager emphasizes, I’ve found all good project managers have these 3 essential traits

Quality Through Innovation Builds Lasting Relationships

February 07, 2013
Have you ever heard the saying “You get what you pay for”? This is usually synonymous with the thought that you need to spend more money to get higher quality products. However, this is typically not aligned with the majority of consumers who want more for less. The higher quality products are expected...

Independent Integrator – What Does This Mean?

January 24, 2013
When describing ourselves to potential customers as an independent material handling integrator, we are often asked to explain what that means. Being an independent integrator allows us to do four key things: recommend the best solution based on your needs, provide many equipment options for your consideration, base our decision on our supplier experience, and offer fast, on-site assistance whenever needed.

8 Steps for Improving Employee Engagement

December 21, 2012
If you ask human resource specialists for the most desired trait in an employee, they are likely to tell you employee engagement because engaged employees work hard, do the right thing, and enjoy coming to work each day. Because of this, it is important for companies to improve employee engagement when possible, so here are 8 tips to help you do so...

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Automation Proposal

December 05, 2012
You spent years trying to get this new automation project in the budget, and you just found out it's been approved!  So after months of planning, you've developed a detailed bid specification for what this project requires, and you've released a detailed RFQ. You might think all the hard work is behind you, but you're actually just getting started. Here are 5 tips to help you choose the right automation proposal...
Results: 139 Blog Posts found.


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