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Competitive DC Growth Nationally Drives Need for Space Efficiency

January 26, 2016
The Journal of Commerce reported that big-box distribution facilities of 500,000 to more than 1 million square feet are leading construction activity. These large-scale, modern warehouses give top retailers and distributors the economies of scale of operating under one roof, whether serving as national distribution centers or regional distribution facilities.

Examining the State of Logistics Report

January 14, 2016
Every year the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals produces a “State of Logistics Report”. The 26th annual report, released last June, analyzed U.S. logistics in 2014 and gave a prediction for what 2015 would have in store. Here's a look at some of the key stats and tips on how logistics companies can respond.

#RelationshipGoals in the Material Handling Industry

December 16, 2015
When selecting a material handling integrator, remember to consider who you are, where you are, and where you are going.

Get the MOST from Your Workforce

November 19, 2015
Do you or any of your clients have processes where employees’ expected rates are unknown, based on averages, or quite frankly conjectured from guessing? Rates may be unknown or need re-evaluation because of new or different layouts, or process changes. If any of these situations are affecting your employee production rates, then you should consider MOST, Maynard Operation Sequence Technique.

Complicated vs. Complex Automation Systems

October 22, 2015
At first glance, complicated and complex systems might sound the same, but a closer look at your business model and SKU seasonality will reveal which system will work best for you.

Warehouse Storage Myth Debunked - Equal Space Strategy versus Equal Time Strategy

May 07, 2015
Ask any warehouse manager how to stock a forward pick area, and you may get one of these two methods--allocate the same amount of space to each SKU or store an equal time supply of each SKU in the area. Here's a look at why either solution might offer the same labor costs.

ROI Factors in a Material Handling Automation Project

April 08, 2015
Introducing automation into a business can be a large and intimidating project. A good deal of time and money are generally invested up front in order make the project successful. However, there are several benefits automation can bring about that help justify these expenses.

Giving Thanks for Great Customers

December 19, 2014
It’s always good, especially around the holiday season, to give thanks for all our good fortunes and blessings. In a professional setting, I especially like to give thanks to those who have made my job more fulfilling, challenging, and successful. At the forefront of those whom I am always most grateful for are my customers.

Project Management: Who is to Blame?

November 12, 2014
I came across an article about the GT Advanced Technologies bankruptcy and thought, who is actually at fault? GTAT’s position is that Apple put them out of business with burdensome demands whereas Apple’s position with GTAT remains unclear. Last year, Apple offered $578 million to assist them with setting up their facility. As a project manager, I suggest that both parties are to blame.

4 Signs a Small- to Mid-Sized Company Needs Order Fulfillment Automation

August 25, 2014
You don’t need a giant distribution center rivaling Amazon or Wal-Mart to benefit from automation. These days, small and medium retailers are competing with the big boys by investing in scalable technologies. Here are 4 signs you're ready for automation.

How to Create a Better Warehouse Layout

August 20, 2014
It is important that a warehouse has enough space to operate efficiently. However, it may be even more important that the space is laid out in a way that optimizes the warehouse’s abilities. Here is a 4-step process used by our consulting team to create the best facility layout.

5 Communication Tips for Better Project Implementation

August 12, 2014
During a project implementation, it's important to speak the same "language" as your customer. Certain terms might having different meanings as you switch from an old system or software to a new one, so it's critical to ensure everyone is on the same page. Here are 5 tips to ensure good communication and a successful project implementation.
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