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Software and Automation for Third Party Logistics

January 19, 2022
With the increased demand for ecommerce fulfillment and varied distribution channels, more companies are turning to 3PLs to provide the logistics.

6 Ways to Maximize Your Warehouse Software Support Plan

December 22, 2021
Downtime for fulfillment operations quickly adds up to lost revenue and the ability to restore operations is critical, especially for systems that rely on heavy automation. Don’t get caught in a tough situation. Here are six details worth knowing about warehouse software support plans.

What's the Difference Between WMS, WES and WCS?

March 24, 2020
If you work in material handling or order fulfillment, you've heard these terms, but they're hard to keep straight. Read this article to learn which piece of the software puzzle does what.

Velocity Slotting with Supply Chain Software

January 29, 2019
Velocity slotting can drastically improve order pick time and operator productivity, if used correctly. Here's what you should keep in mind.

Trends in Supply Chain Network Software Stack

December 27, 2018
Supply chain network software tools that can help optimize inventory, facilities, and transportation - and some tips to use them.

Understanding Host System Integration with Exacta Intralogistics Software

August 07, 2018
Integrating supply chain software may seem intimidating, but with the help of our experts and a good software package such as Exacta, connecting your host software system to your automated material handling system is easy.

Understanding Host System Integration with Exacta Intralogistics Software

August 07, 2018
Integrating supply chain software may seem intimidating, but with the help of our experts and a good software package such as Exacta, connecting your host software system to your automated material handling system is easy.

New Brew of Software for Beverage Distribution

May 16, 2018
Consumers are getting more tech savvy when it comes to purchasing goods. The common trend is to be faster, more accurate, and provide decision-making information on-demand. The wine and spirits industry is no different, which is why smart distributors are investing in new hardware and software.

3 Keys to a Successful Warehouse Management System Implementation

February 09, 2018
Purchasing a new warehouse management system (WMS) can bring levels of uncertainty. You want to ensure it's installed correctly and smoothly and your employees are properly trained. To do so, here are 3 steps to a successful WMS implementation.

10 Common Warehousing Mistakes to Avoid This Year

December 28, 2017
Constraints such as omni-channel distribution and speed to delivery have really put a strain on overall operations.  Given the immense challenges faced today, DC managers and facility engineers should work to avoid the following 10 common warehousing mistakes.

Business Intelligence in Modern Material Handling

September 06, 2017
As consumer needs get more demanding, material handling companies must keep pace and stay competitive.  There is a plethora of unique technologies for developing a warehousing solution, and with all of these, the ability to monitor the system and make meaningful decisions is crucial. Enter business intelligence...

Automação e Software Supply Chain

July 14, 2017
O software WMS (warehouse management system) é o mais velho conhecido sistema de suporte de operações em armazéns, faz o controle de inventário, processa o recebimento, ordens de armazenagem, ordens de separação e envio.

A Supply Chain Software Comparison: WMS vs. WCS vs. WES

June 07, 2017
The evolution of supply chain management has introduced a new breed of supply chain software, but what are the differences between the "big three"? Let's examine the functionality of WMS, WCS, and WES. Read: A Supply Chain Software Comparison: WMS vs. WCS vs. WES

Now is the Time to Replace RF with Voice Picking Technology

May 23, 2017
Warehouse picking technologies have developed immensely over the past 15 years. Offerings range from paper pick lists and light directed picking, all the way to goods-to-man technologies. Depending on throughput, budgets, and space requirements, each of these have their place in the warehouse logistics world.

Supply Chain Software Making a Big Impact for Small Business & Startups

April 20, 2017
Large companies have teams of statisticians, data scientists and engineers to solve complex logistical problems. Companies like Amazon invest millions of dollars for small improvements to their already lean and efficient operations. But what about companies just starting off in warehouse distribution? How can these companies plan for growth while maintaining small, budget friendly operations?

3 Considerations to Prep Your Order Fulfillment for Black Friday

October 17, 2016
In order to be best prepared for seasonal peaks such as Black Friday and its potential 10:1 volume spike, distribution leadership must begin looking at how their warehouses are set up.

How Supply Chain Software Keeps iHerb's New DC Running Smoothly

January 28, 2014
With a distribution center full of automation plus 35,000 SKUs to manage, iHerb’s Hebron facility relies on Exacta 6.0, a warehouse control system (WCS) and suite of supply chain software to ensure the entire system runs seamlessly and orders get to customers in the most efficient manner possible.

How to Build Better Supply Chain Software: Use Automated Unit Testing

October 16, 2013
There are many practices that go into creating great software, but one of the most efficient and effective ways to do that is through automated unit testing. It might sound difficult, but once I explain, you will understand how this common, but often overlooked, programming feature is worth the extra time.
Results: 18 Blog Posts found.


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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

