The Material Handling Blog

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Want to Make an Impact? Choose a Career in Supply Chain Automation

February 25, 2021
I was recently on a Sunday afternoon Zoom call (gotta love COVID-19) with some old friends from college – Boiler Up! We all graduated in the early 2000s, thus we’re 15 years or so into our careers. As the conversation progressed through a multitude of topics from the weather to kids to the trials and tribulations of U.S. politics, one of my buddies expressed how much he dreaded Monday mornings. Although he has a great job, he said he feels “uninspired”. My other buddies quickly jumped in acknowledging their agreement. I asked: “What would make you all feel ‘inspired’?” Almost in unison they all said they “want to feel as though their work is truly making an impact.”
Posted in General Blogs

National Engineers Week: Why Supply Chain & Logistics?

February 23, 2021
In celebration of National Engineers Week – annual recognition of the importance of math, science, and technical skills – Bastian Solutions talked to three of its engineers to understand how they came to be an engineer, their experiences in the field, and how the supply chain industry has changed in the last year.
Posted in General Blogs

Drones en la Cadena de Suministro

December 09, 2020
Era sólo cuestión de tiempo para que los proveedores logísticos, los integradores y las diferentes empresas multinacionales empezaran a buscar maneras de aprovechar esta tecnología.

Multi-Site Project Implementations: Consistency Drives Efficiency

November 18, 2020
As the global effects of COVID-19 continue to play out, demand for contactless shopping via eCommerce is increasing putting pressure on fulfillment. Businesses are scrambling to identify opportunities to increase supply across their distribution networks. Many are seeking support from automation systems integrators (conveyor, robotics, software, controls) across several fulfillment sites at once. While multi-site implementations can be challenging, when executed successfully they can achieve greater results than single-site implementations.

Hyper-Local Fulfillment 101: Permanent Changes in Buyer Behavior

October 14, 2020
This supply chain evolution has created the need for hyper-local fulfillment, which also comes with its own challenges. Customers expect things like free or low-cost shipping, same or next day delivery, hassle-free returns and inventory to be always in stock, just to name a few.

2020 Internship Program

August 13, 2020
Ever wondered what Bastian Solutions interns are up to during their programs? Bastian Solutions makes every effort to ensure each intern goes back to school or out into the industry with valuable skills necessary for success. From controls to software and systems, our interns had a diverse experience this year, and even with the challenges presented with COVID-19, they each flourished and brought great value to our teams!

Microfulfillment Part 1: What is Microfulfillment?

July 22, 2020
Without a doubt, microfulfillment is one of the hottest trends in supply chain. The ability to get products into consumers’ hands quicker than your competitors is the ultimate leg up, so not only is it a trend, but it’s a strategy enabling today’s retailers to decentralize fulfillment, create a better customer experience and redefine the retail landscape. So, what is it?

Throwing Good Money After Bad: Addressing Failed Operational Investments

June 09, 2020
Throwing good money after bad often happens without the realization that it’s being done. We’ve worked with several clients over the years where the common thread across projects has been an investment in something of considerable capital value that simply isn’t well suited for the client’s operation.

How COVID-19 Will Permanently Change your Omni-Channel Supply Chain

March 19, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to force unprecedented shut downs, will the resulting changes to supply chains be temporary anomalies or permanent changes?
Posted in Industry News

MODEX 2020: A Lesson in Resiliency

March 17, 2020
Despite fears of the COVID-19 pandemic amidst the biggest trade show of the year, the supply chain industry adapted and made the best of a difficult situation.
Posted in Industry News

How Can Internet of Things (IoT) Tracking Help Recover Assets?

March 14, 2018
From theft to damaged goods, there is a disconnect in the current supply chain. The Internet of Things is quickly changing how we track, manage, and recover assets. What can you do today to ensure your products are shipped on time and uninterrupted?

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe: Picking the Best Supply Chain Trade Organizations

March 02, 2018
Welcome to the world of distribution…or is it supply chain….or maybe logistics? Whatever you call it, your objective is to get something from one place to another. There are hundreds of thousands of people working to do the same. Wouldn't it be great if you could find those people and learn from them?

Zone Skipping Your Way to Increased Profits in Ecommerce Distribution

October 05, 2017
Zone skipping is a logistics technique where companies ship their products directly to sorting facilities close to the final ship-to destination.  Zone skipping can result in a significant savings as the costs associated with multiple sort and transfer points by the carrier are eliminated.

E-Commerce, the Economy, and Our On Demand World

January 24, 2017
A movie, pizza, pair of shoes, microwave…your new material handling system. All these things and anything else you can think of are now available with a few keystrokes and a click of a mouse. All this buying is not only driving the retail market, but also growing other businesses.

Manufacturing Renaissance in the U.S.?

July 26, 2012
It wasn’t all that long ago U.S. manufacturing prowess was the envy of the world, but then numerous U.S.-based companies decided to move their manufacturing operations abroad due to world competition and cost constraints. In recent years, however, a fascinating and somewhat silent trend has developed; U.S.-based manufacturing is making an exciting and notable comeback .
Results: 16 Blog Posts found.


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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

