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Achieving Success with Goods to Person Starts with Software

March 17, 2022
With all this innovation and growth in the goods to person warehouse automation sector, it’s vital to factor the impact on the whole system’s integration, tied together through software and controls. To compensate, WES systems are getting larger and more complex in order to integrate with new technologies provided by other vendors coming to market. To truly optimize a goods to person system, customers should consider each GTP technology’s merits, but also the software that will manage its operations.

Automated Distribution: Bringing Innovation to Pharma Fulfillment at Knipper

February 03, 2021
Now with access to 75% of the U.S. population with 2-day ground service, Knipper can deliver product to customers faster, thus increasing customer satisfaction, creating unique opportunities, and greater specialization in direct to physician fulfillment.

Goods to Person Systems Stretch Beyond Social Distancing Benefits

December 09, 2020
Various goods-to-person technologies have risen to the challenge of social distancing by creating naturally spaced workstations for employees and allowing companies to continue their business momentum. In some cases, ramping up to match shifts like we’ve seen in ecommerce. In Q3 2020, about $1 in every $5 was spent on online sales, according to U.S. Commerce Department retail data.

Microfulfillment Part 2: Pros and Cons

July 29, 2020
The term “microfulfillment center” has quickly become one of the top buzzwords in material handling. But what is it and is investing in it the right decision for your supply chain?

Promoting Warehouse Worker Safety Post-COVID-19

June 23, 2020
During this global coronavirus pandemic, people are concerned with protecting themselves and their families from contracting and spreading the disease; many go to extraordinary measures to ensure everyone they care about stays healthy. For employers, this protective nature extends to the employees who are the foundation of their business too.

Inside the Success of an Electronics eCommerce Distribution Center

September 13, 2019
With the right people, processes, and technology in their new advanced distribution center, NewEgg can accurately fill orders faster with a lower cost of shipping and provide overall better customer service.
Posted in General Blogs

Key Considerations When Designing Goods-to-Person Systems

January 26, 2017
The ever-increasing need to satisfy customers in the world of order fulfillment is causing the warehouse and distribution industries to consider more efficient and cost-effective solutions to satisfy the need. This has lead many companies to implement, or consider, higher-automation solutions that include goods-to-person technologies. Read: Key Considerations When Designing Goods-to-Person Systems

I am Thankful for….Same Day Shipping!

November 22, 2016
As Thanksgiving approaches, I would like to admit that I am very thankful for same day shipping. Yes, of course this comes behind my family, friends, home, etc. However as part of a two-working-parent household with two young boys, this convenience is a lifesaver. Continue Reading: I am Thankful for….Same Day Shipping!

Tecnologia Avançada de Separação de Pedidos traz Melhorias para Operadores de E-Commerce

October 07, 2016
Acompanhando o grande sucesso do e-commerce é fácil imaginar como é crítico e eficiente o processo de separação de pedidos de empresas de e-commerce. Seus clientes esperam receber seus pedidos cada vez mais rápido e por outro lado o único caminho de atender as expectativas é usando sistemas automáticos ao invés de operação manual.

Which Goods-to-Person Technology is Right for Your Operation?

March 08, 2016
With increasingly high customer expectations in the world of order fulfillment, many distribution and warehouse managers are searching for ways to improve throughput, accuracy, and efficiency. To help, we need look no further than the best-in-class Goods-to-Person (GTP) technologies that are changing the face of order fulfillment.
Posted in System Automation

4 Signs a Small- to Mid-Sized Company Needs Order Fulfillment Automation

August 25, 2014
You don’t need a giant distribution center rivaling Amazon or Wal-Mart to benefit from automation. These days, small and medium retailers are competing with the big boys by investing in scalable technologies. Here are 4 signs you're ready for automation.

How Supply Chain Software Keeps iHerb's New DC Running Smoothly

January 28, 2014
With a distribution center full of automation plus 35,000 SKUs to manage, iHerb’s Hebron facility relies on Exacta 6.0, a warehouse control system (WCS) and suite of supply chain software to ensure the entire system runs seamlessly and orders get to customers in the most efficient manner possible.

4 Advanced Picking Technologies Improving E-Fulfillment

December 04, 2013
Following a hugely successful Cyber Monday, it’s easy to see why an efficient and accurate order fulfillment process is critical to today’s retailers. Customers are expecting orders to arrive faster, and one way of doing that is injecting a little automation into an often manual operation.

Can Going Green With Conveyors Save You Money?

April 01, 2013
For the last several years, a green movement has swept the globe. Consumers, organizations, and large corporations have all moved toward green initiatives. However, in an industry filled with automation and machinery, the thought of going green might seem like a faraway dream. Luckily, new innovations in conveyor technologies have led to the possibility of greener business practices in the fields of materials handling and automation...

What's New in Goods-to-Person Mobile Robots for Full and Split Case Picking

October 10, 2012
With Kiva serving as a catalyst, in the last 18 months there have been several new entrants into the goods-to-person mobile robot category for full case and split case picking, and for good reason. There are many advantages to implementing this technology in your distribution center...
Posted in System Automation
Results: 15 Blog Posts found.


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