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5 Methods for Reducing Product Loss in Your Warehouse

July 20, 2022
There are a few major concerns in distribution system design that need to be consistently addressed. One of the most critical cost concerns is financial waste through damaged product. In a post-recession era when companies are working to “stay lean”, managing product waste is a tangible area where capital investment can lead to great returns.

4 Types of DC Automation Maintenance for Less Operation Downtime

June 02, 2021
Maintenance in the material handling industry can be put into four distinct categories: Reactive, Preventive, Predictive or Reliability Centered Maintenance practices. No matter if you have just a small conveyor system or a multimillion dollar fully automated distribution center you will have to perform maintenance activities to keep the equipment running. For each method, there are pros and cons.

8 Questions to Consider When Choosing Warehouse Racking

May 17, 2019
While it’s pretty simple to construct, the art of properly choosing and implementing racking can either optimize or inhibit your storage density. These are some questions to consider to ensure you select the best warehouse racking solutions for your facility.

Lessons Learned: Styrofoam Coolers and Timing Belt Transfers

March 20, 2019
While most of our projects are successful, there is always the occasional project that didn’t go as planned. Here are some lessons learned from a recent project involving timing belt transfers and styrofoam coolers.

Tips on Integrating Pallet Flow Rack in a Freezer

January 23, 2019
Standard pallet flow components will not hold up to the rigors of cold storage, but these tips will help you find what will.

3 Reasons to Implement a Plastic Chain Conveyor System

June 26, 2018
The demand for plastic chain conveyor systems has been steadily increasing as companies realize the benefits they provide. Here are the top three reasons why you should consider using a plastic chain conveyor system.

Is Your Machine Race Ready?

September 13, 2017
Downtime can be one of the most expensive costs to a business. Minutes and even seconds are critical in a high volume facility. Almost every machine in the industry will come with some type of preventive measures to ensure it runs smoothly. Take the time and COMPLETE your PM checks.

How to Select the Right Industrial Casters

May 18, 2017
Casters, like most day-to-day items, are often overlooked—until they don’t work. From carts to portable gravity conveyor and work stations, there are a lot of components within a warehouse, distribution center, or manufacturing plant that often utilize them. So if you haven’t replaced a caster in a while, the time is likely coming.

What Does a Material Handling Systems Integrator Do and How Can It Benefit My Business?

August 10, 2016
If you're wondering why you've been directed to a material handling systems integrator by an OEM or if you stumbled across a website in an attempt to learn more, then here's some information on the benefits of a systems integrator and what you should expect. Read: Benefits of a Material Handling Systems Integrator
Posted in System Automation

What is Hydraulic Lift Table Coasting and How Can It Be Prevented?

June 08, 2015
It is often required that hydraulic lift tables stop at precise elevations. However, the phenomenon commonly referred to as lift table “coasting” can allow lift table platforms to continue past the intended stopping point. In this article, we'll discuss the causes of lift table coasting, and how it can be prevented.

Measure Twice, Cut Once: Getting the Most Out of Your System Data

October 23, 2013
In junior high I’d taken a "Shop" class. Here I honed my love for building, creating and also learned a valuable life lesson: measure twice and cut once. I still find this adage helpful to this day, especially when helping new clients analyze their operations and prep for the future.

Bastian Solutions’ Complete Guide to Conveyor Systems

May 16, 2013
We are often asked for more information about the different types of conveyors available, the benefits a conveyor system provides, and how it affects productivity in the workplace. To answer all these questions and more, we are happy to provide our complete guide to conveyor systems...

Enclosed Track Overhead Conveyor: True, Tried and Tested

May 09, 2013
Enclosed track overhead conveyors have been around for many years, some dating back to 1919 when they were used in automotive assembly plants. However, this type of conveyor is not just for moving automotive parts or clean clothes. It provides a host of other benefits as well...

Would you Choose a Systems Integrator or an Original Equipment Manufacturer for Your Logistics System?

February 16, 2012
There are three key elements that differentiate a systems integrator from an original equipment manufacturer: product life cycle, successful integration of products, and choice of system products. Taking a look at these can help you make an educated decision when researching both options. Continue Reading >>

How to Be a Great Material Handling Equipment Partner

November 08, 2011
I have had the good fortune to have succeeded in the material handling equipment (MHE) industry for more than 27 years now, and during my time in the industry, I have worked with a wide range of customers. Most of them have been excellent partners in the purchasing process; however, some have made the process a bit difficult, resulting in numerous re-quotes and many wasted engineering hours. This not only resulted in frustration for me, but more importantly, frustration and wasted time for them. To avoid those issues and facilitate the process for both parties, here are some basic tips on how to be an excellent material handling equipment partner:

To Move or Not to Move...Your Existing Material Handling Equipment

May 13, 2011
When companies are moving to a new facility, I'm frequently asked whether it's better to move existing equipment to the new location or to purchase new, and my usual answer is that it depends on many factors. Now I know this really isn't an answer at all, but the decision can't be made without first asking several important questions .

The Material Handling Industry: More Exciting Than You Think

February 11, 2011
Before I accepted my position as a research and development engineer at Bastian Material Handling , I only knew of a peripheral definition for material handling. This was due to my focus as an undergrad in automotive engineering, with some topical interest in aerospace and biomechanics.

How to Maintain System Uptime, In a Down Economy

April 02, 2009
In a down economy, businesses start to maintain their conveyors instead of replacing them. As the economy starts to squeeze the wallet, new conveyor sales start to fall but spare parts sales, according to Bob Trebilcock from Modern Material Handling magazine, could potentially increase 25% this year...
Results: 18 Blog Posts found.


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