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A Deep Dive Into Revolutionizing India’s Ecommerce Warehouse Operations

July 10, 2024
Ecommerce warehousing involves storing, organizing, and managing goods in the supply chain for online retail. India is becoming one of the fastest-growing ecommerce markets in the world, so efficient warehousing solutions are essential. The Indian ecommerce warehousing market is growing rapidly now with no sign of slowing down. If you are an online retailer looking to gain a competitive edge in your market, read more to find out which technologies will benefit you as you start to plan your next warehouse operation upgrade.

How Accessible Automation Can Optimize Distribution Amid Seasonal Fluctuations

May 29, 2024
Distribution centers are increasingly at the mercy of fluctuating demand, a challenge amplified by clear seasonal and ecommerce trends. As consumer behavior shifts and online shopping events gain traction, these facilities must adjust to significant peaks and valleys in product flow. This unpredictability can strain resources and complicate warehouse logistics.

When is Standardized Software a Good Fit for Your Warehouse Automation

May 15, 2024
Historically, intralogistics software providers have been known for providing very customized solutions to meet the unique needs of their various manufacturing and distribution center clients. Being in the industry for over 70 years, Bastian Solutions has identified various universal industry processes and created a standardized product suite with offerings in addition to providing customized solutions all under our proprietary software brand, Exacta®.

Bastian Solutions at Intralogistics & Warehousing Expo

May 01, 2024
The economic market landscape is a whirlwind of change, driven by an expanding population and evolving local and global demands. Amidst this flux, businesses grapple with the challenges of adapting to shifting consumer expectations, soaring rental costs, intensifying competition and the quest for optimal storage solutions, particularly in India's bustling market. Navigating these complexities demands more than just traditional approaches—it requires a strategic embrace of automation. What was once considered a luxury has now become a business imperative. The question is no longer “Should I automate?” it is now “When and how much should I automate?” Recognizing this shift is crucial for companies aiming not just to survive, but to thrive in this dynamic environment.

The Unique Advantage of Bastian Solutions: A Complete Material Handling Systems Integrator

February 14, 2024
In warehouse automation and material handling systems, companies typically fall into two categories: manufacturers (OEMs) or integrators. Manufacturers are known for creating the hardware and technologies that power warehouse automation, while integrators specialize in bringing these diverse components together into a cohesive, functioning material handling system. At Bastian Solutions, we often encounter the question, 'Are you an integrator or a manufacturer?'

3PLs and Material Handling Integration

December 06, 2023
When people hear the term 3PL, they might ask questions such as: “What is a 3PL?” A 3PL or third-party logistics is a business that provides logistics operations to other business. These value-added logistic services include:

Choosing the Right Conveyor System for Festive Season Demand

November 15, 2023
The festive or peak season is one of the busiest times for companies, especially those in the e-commerce and retail industry sectors. With the holidays here, consumer demand for products significantly spikes both in volume and quick fulfilment requirements. With continuous festive promotions and sales, it is understandable that there is an increase in orders with more customer expectations, so it is crucial to have efficient and reliable warehouse material handling systems in place to handle the festive season demand. Determining the specific requirements of your business during the festive season is essential to ensuring a smooth and successful operation.

Understanding the Difference Between Safety Devices in Material Handling Automation Systems

September 13, 2023
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, automation has become an integral part of various industries, ranging from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and transportation. With warehouse and distribution center material handling automation's widespread adoption, ensuring the safety of workers, equipment and the public is of paramount importance. To achieve this, various safety devices are employed to minimize risks and prevent accidents.

Pack Expo 2023: The Trickle-Down Effect of Automating End of Line Operations

August 09, 2023
The world of automation is more complicated than it has ever been, with several emerging technology options and configurations now readily available with more to come. What we know, however, is that creating a foundation for long-term resilience relies on adaptable automation. Together with data-backed system integration you can overcome business challenges to meet objectives now and, in the future, reaping better ROIs. This means taking a detailed look at the processes before a package leaves the warehouse.

Automation: A Backbone to Streamline your Omnichannel Processes

November 23, 2022
In this fast-paced industry where customers are looking for the fastest delivery and using multiple channels to complete their purchases, brands need to be nonstop active. Today, almost all consumers check reviews and compare prices both online and offline before making a purchase.

Optimizing the Outbound Logistics Process

June 29, 2022
With the boom in the ecommerce market, companies will have to optimize outbound processes in order to keep up with the race and continue to meet customer expectations – correct orders with on time fulfilment. Let's look at how.

Conveyor Systems: The Easiest Automation for Speedy Workflows

February 22, 2022
For decades, conveyor systems have been crucial for warehousing and logistics operations. Conveyor systems are used in all fundamental warehouse processes to transport raw materials out of storage to the production line, move products into other storage devices, and move final product into packaging lines, or transport packaged products to shipping. It is the most basic automation for anyone in the facility to transfer materials between long distances on varying elevations.

Is a Pallet Monorail System the Right Transport Solution?

September 08, 2021
Goods to person and goods to robot solutions are trending topics when it comes to distribution fulfillment but what about heavier and larger pallet transport? Pallet monorail systems are one of the fastest and most efficient ways to transport pallet loads throughout a facility. This technology goes by many different names including “Electrified Floor Track System (EFTS)”, “Electrified Monorail System (EMS)”, or sometimes just “Monorail.” In the most general sense, a monorail system is comprised of two key elements: - Track - provides guidance and power - Trolleys - physically move the pallets along the track system; self-propelled The scalability makes them a great investment, less than a roller conveyor system, and an option worth considering. Below we take a look at standard ways this solution can optimize your operations.

Bastian Solutions Modular Sorter

August 19, 2020
Due to the rapidly expanding industry of ecommerce, ease of installation and maintenance of conveyor systems is exceedingly critical to remain competitive in today’s material handling market. The more complicated the system, the more of an impact this can have on its design and success as a solution. In material conveyance terms, sortation is one of the most complicated problems out there. Typical medium rate sortation requires AC power, DC power, and pneumatics for successful sortation of packages up to 75 pounds in weight. They provide rates up to 300FPM at 85CPMwith a maximum sorter length of 150ft. Bastian Solutions’ conveyor team has now developed a solution that provides the same speed at 90CPM, an unlimited maximum sorter length, and requires nothing but low-voltage DC power for operation, all while offering competitive pricing; the Modular Sorter.

What are Photo Eye Sensors, and How Do They Improve System Automation?

May 21, 2019
Whether they’re used to sense the presence of boxes on a conveyor or parts on a manufacturing line, photo eyes help keep automated systems running around the world.

How to Increase Productivity Within Your Warehouse Fulfillment Center

July 22, 2013
Automation is an effective way to increase productivity in the workplace, but it still requires a careful approach to meet your needs and fit your budget. Depending on the size and demands on your warehouse and employees, different levels of automation may provide the most reliable returns and better productivity...

Bastian Solutions’ Complete Guide to Conveyor Systems

May 16, 2013
We are often asked for more information about the different types of conveyors available, the benefits a conveyor system provides, and how it affects productivity in the workplace. To answer all these questions and more, we are happy to provide our complete guide to conveyor systems...

Out With the Old, In With the Newly Retrofitted Conveyor

March 17, 2011
Retrofitting what you already own is often just a fraction of the cost of replacing it with new conveyor, and you can also gain new functionality.

"Rules of the Road" for Conveyor

May 28, 2009
There are basic rules of the road for designing a conveyor system. Here are a few.
Posted in Education
Results: 19 Blog Posts found.


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