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Strategic Operations in Warehouses: Enhancing Efficiency Through Automation

July 17, 2024
“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” Bill Gates This quote highlights a fundamental truth: the success of automation hinges not just on the technology itself but on the underlying efficiency of the processes it aims to enhance. This means that strategic planning and process optimization are essential prerequisites for reaping the full benefits of automation in warehouse operations.

Maximizing Efficiency: Eliminating Space Constraints with Material Handling Automation Solutions

May 22, 2024
Picture this: your organization is set for growth, but you're trapped in what feels like a life-size Rubik’s Cube, always moving pieces around to navigate your way through the space constraints of your warehouse. How do you optimize your operations when every inch of floor space counts?

Bastian Solutions at Intralogistics & Warehousing Expo

May 01, 2024
The economic market landscape is a whirlwind of change, driven by an expanding population and evolving local and global demands. Amidst this flux, businesses grapple with the challenges of adapting to shifting consumer expectations, soaring rental costs, intensifying competition and the quest for optimal storage solutions, particularly in India's bustling market. Navigating these complexities demands more than just traditional approaches—it requires a strategic embrace of automation. What was once considered a luxury has now become a business imperative. The question is no longer “Should I automate?” it is now “When and how much should I automate?” Recognizing this shift is crucial for companies aiming not just to survive, but to thrive in this dynamic environment.

Streamlining Logistics: How Automation is Reshaping Warehouse Operations

April 17, 2024
Automation is not merely a buzzword; it's a transformative force reshaping the landscape of warehouse operations and logistics management. By harnessing the power of advanced automation technologies such as AS/RS systems, conveyor and sortation systems, robotics, GTP (goods to person), artificial intelligence, and data analytics, are streamlining their logistics processes like never before. From inventory management to order fulfilment, automation is revolutionizing every aspect of warehouse operations, driving efficiency, accuracy and agility.

Understanding Material Flow in Automated Handling and Fulfillment

April 03, 2024
You’re walking into a bustling warehouse, where the air buzzes with the orchestrated hum of voices, footfalls and equipment. In one corner, various SKUs are received and swiftly stored, each item finding its place. Across the floor, synchronized activity surrounds order fulfillment: items are picked, packed and ready for their journey to customers or stores. This is material flow and it plays a vital role in distribution operations.

Clear the Fog of Peak Season: 4-Step Process

November 01, 2023
The fog of peak season. Does this sound like a similar experience to all warehouse operations team members? It’s earlier than usual and you know you have a very long day ahead of you. The building pulses with an electrifying energy but it's a frenetic, anxious feeling that everyone has in the pit of their stomach. The team knows that its “go time” as the customer order volume is going to be 3X the norm. As you walk out of the office and into the warehouse you are met with the sound of conveyor belts humming and the ceaseless beeping noise of forklifts darting all over the building. What is normally an orderly row of neatly stacked goods near pack out, now resembles a maze, as your team scrambles to locate items with urgency. Every corner of the warehouse is in motion, every aisle alive with the chaos of associates picking, workstations loaded with boxes for packout, and trailers are everywhere.

Bridging the Labor Gap: Common Warehouse Automation Considerations

October 18, 2023
The ongoing labor shortage crisis is being felt across various sectors, with warehousing being no exception, and its impact threatens efficiency and productivity. The question being asked today by most manufacturers and distributors is not “Should I automate?” but rather “When and how much should I automate?” To best answer those questions, it’s crucial to first understand common material handling and automation considerations.

Warehouse Data Analysis: Time Consuming but Vital

August 02, 2023
“Garbage in, garbage out”; that’s the typical mantra for simulation and consulting studies as it relates to the quality of the inputs and the resultant quality of the outputs. Having worked with companies small and large, across a variety of industries, we know one thing is true – every bit of detail counts to ensure we can help our customers maximize their operations.

Optimizing Warehouse Operations: Avoiding Common Mistakes with Advanced Automation Technologies

May 10, 2023
Warehouses are an integral part of the supply chain management system of any organization for storing and distributing goods efficiently and effectively. However, there are certain common mistakes that warehouse operators make that can negatively impact the productivity and efficiency of the warehouse.

Process and System Efficiency: You Can’t Improve What You Don’t Measure

April 26, 2023
KPIs are quantifiable metrics used to measure the success of a particular process or system. They are typically tied to specific objectives and goals and are used to track progress over time. KPIs are an essential tool for businesses to measure the effectiveness of their operations, identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions. This includes the material handling and automation industry.

10 Warehousing Challenges & Key Factors to Finding the Right Automation Solution

April 12, 2023
Managing a distribution or manufacturing facility can be challenging. It can be very easy to get so focused on the technical details of various automation solutions. The danger is that it’s easy to lose sight of the main goal, the reason behind adding automation – meeting business objectives and improving business operations.

Três fatores principais no design de produção de goods to person

September 22, 2022
Como integradora independente, a Bastian Solutions trabalha com diversas tecnologias e marcas. Como tal, não é incomum ser perguntado pelos clientes: “Quantas linhas por hora posso fazer com um sistema de goods to person?” Quando falamos de GTP (sistemas de goods to person), isso pode incluir sistemas de AutoStore, ASRS, Scallog, Kardex, Servus ou Adapto. Todas essas tecnologias oferecem métodos modernos e facilmente escaláveis de atendimento de pedidos, por meio de diferentes configurações tecnológicas e de design. Portanto, quando se trata de responder “quantas linhas por hora posso fazer”, há muitos fatores que entram em jogo, mas há três elementos principais que ajudam a fornecer uma imagem mais clara e fornecer uma taxa estimada de linhas por hora. Vamos explorar isto.

5 Common Mistakes in Distribution Center Operation Design

June 08, 2022
Before products can be sent on their way to individual doorsteps or stores, there are a lot of individual yet highly connected functions. All of these tasks are housed in a single DC (distribution center). As straightforward as it may seem to get products from inbound receiving docks to outbound shipping and truck loading, there are a few key considerations to avoid common mistakes in layout and design. Unlocking efficiency opportunities means thinking through safety considerations, the placement of functions and technologies in the warehouse, understanding of drawbacks or potential challenges, and evaluating what can and cannot or should not be automated. Let’s take a look at some of the common mistakes and considerations to avoid them.

Projetando uma solução de triagem: 3 chaves a considerar

February 24, 2022
O Diretor de Fulfillment atribui a você um projeto para especificar um novo sistema de triagem e transportador capaz de "dobrar" as capacidades atuais. Por onde começar? Primeiro, comece entendendo e desafiando a verdadeira triagem e os requisitos do sistema. Os sistemas de transporte e triagem são soluções projetadas. Como a maioria dos problemas de engenharia, a solução geralmente é tão boa quanto suas entradas.

Designing a Sortation Solution: 3 Keys to Consider

September 01, 2021
Conveyor and sortation systems are engineered solutions. Like most engineering problems, the solution is typically only as good as its inputs. Accurate data upfront ensures the solution is tailored to your individual business requirements and product specifications.

3 Key Lessons for New Year DC Throughput Efficiencies & Adaptability

January 19, 2021
We’ve all heard some variation of the saying “Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste” but how good are we at recognizing the crisis and the best way to capitalize on it? As we enter this new year, we must acknowledge 2020 was unlike any other year in many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted everything in our lives: personal, political, and professional. The world learned to work from home, educate from home, and to the point of this article – shop from home. What can be learned from this “Great Accelerator” event to ensure distribution centers are ready to adapt in the future and improve throughput efficiencies? Here are three lessons from this past year, and a few recommendations for each to ensure the 2020 distribution center (DC) “crisis” doesn’t go to waste:

New Year DC Resolutions: 4 Operational Considerations for a Smoother Year Ahead

January 06, 2021
As we close the door on a year of tremendous challenge and change, it’s a good time for distribution center (DC) leaders to pause and reflect on how to apply the hard-won learnings of 2020 in order to make course corrections for 2021 and beyond. Despite how early it may seem, now is the time to prepare for the second half of 2021, by which time the COVID-19 pandemic may be substantially behind us. As you chart your distribution operation’s path forward consider a few key questions that take into account your business needs, workforce, trends and technologies. Not only will this help prepare your operations for a smoother process but will help you assess your capabilities as external factors continue to change.

Using a Gaming Engine for Agile Supply Chain Optimization

May 12, 2020
How embracing agility and operational responsiveness in supply chain modeling and network design software gives businesses the best opportunity for success.

Staffing For Peak Season: What Went Wrong?

February 11, 2020
If your operations hired additional staff over peak season and it was still a struggle to keep up, these factors could have been overlooked in your planning process.

Why You Don't Need a Consultant

June 28, 2019
Not sure whether you need a consultant? This quick guide should help you decide if hiring one is right for your operation.

La importancia de utilizar un Consultor en Logística en México

February 07, 2019
Mexico needs consultants to get to the next level. To get there, Mexican companies need to trust that not everything can be solved from the inside. Read: La importancia de utilizar un Consultor en Logística en México

Trends in Supply Chain Network Software Stack

December 27, 2018
Supply chain network software tools that can help optimize inventory, facilities, and transportation - and some tips to use them.

Lessons From the Amazon Effect

December 19, 2018
How the retail and material handling industries have evolved to service increasing e

3 Keys to a Successful Warehouse Management System Implementation

February 09, 2018
Purchasing a new warehouse management system (WMS) can bring levels of uncertainty. You want to ensure it's installed correctly and smoothly and your employees are properly trained. To do so, here are 3 steps to a successful WMS implementation.

10 Common Warehousing Mistakes to Avoid This Year

December 28, 2017
Constraints such as omni-channel distribution and speed to delivery have really put a strain on overall operations.  Given the immense challenges faced today, DC managers and facility engineers should work to avoid the following 10 common warehousing mistakes.

A Review of the Distribution Automation Landscape in Mexico

June 16, 2017
We all know and believe that automation is the future (and in some cases, the present), but what’s different for Mexico and LATAM (Latin America) in general? Why is it so difficult to take that first step to automate material handling processes in those countries?

5 Passos para uma Implementação de Automação Logística bem Sucedida

December 09, 2016
O sucesso de uma solução de manuseio de materiais bem implementada depende de alguns passos importantes a seguir. Um bom manuseamento de materiais integrador siga estes passos para garantir que o projeto for bem sucedido, e que o cliente está satisfeito. Rear o artigo completo

Get the MOST from Your Workforce

November 19, 2015
Do you or any of your clients have processes where employees’ expected rates are unknown, based on averages, or quite frankly conjectured from guessing? Rates may be unknown or need re-evaluation because of new or different layouts, or process changes. If any of these situations are affecting your employee production rates, then you should consider MOST, Maynard Operation Sequence Technique.

How to Create a Better Warehouse Layout

August 20, 2014
It is important that a warehouse has enough space to operate efficiently. However, it may be even more important that the space is laid out in a way that optimizes the warehouse’s abilities. Here is a 4-step process used by our consulting team to create the best facility layout.

The Final Step in the DMADV Decision Making Process: Validation

July 30, 2014
For several weeks, we have discussed the DMADV process for decision making. The first four (4) phases (Definition, Measurement, Analysis and Design) have been completed, so now we need to consider the effectiveness of the design(s) through a validation process, our 5th and final phase.

Design: Step 4 in the DMADV Process for Supply Chain Improvement

July 16, 2014
In this article, we continue our review of the DMADV 5-step process for improving your supply chain. Design is step four in the process and involves leveraging the criteria, characteristics and flows developed in the “Analysis” step to look at alternative designs and technologies to create the best facility layout.

Analyze: Step 3 in the DMADV Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

June 30, 2014
In previous editions of this article series the Define and Measure stages of the Five Step Decision Making Process (DMADV) to drive supply chain improvements were discussed paving the way for step 3 - Analyze. During this step, the overall performance of the system is evaluated using statistical models to analyze transactional and inventory data.

Measure: Step 2 in the DMADV Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

June 05, 2014
DMADV stands for: Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Validate. It is a problem-solving approach used by our consultants to help customers make the best decisions for their warehouse and ultimately their supply chain. We've reviewed step 1, but here's more information on step 2: Measure.

Defining the Problem: Step 1 in the 5-Step Decision Making Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

May 22, 2014
In a previous article, we started the discussion on the 5-step decision making process, DMADV, and how it helps you make better decisions in your supply chain or any area of your business. In a series of articles, we’ll further explore and define each step so you can get the most out of this process. In today's article, step 1... Read: Step 1 - Defining the Problem

Pick To Light (PTL) vs. Pick To Voice (PTV)

November 13, 2009
Supply Chain Consultant Marvin Logan debates which is better: Pick-to-Light or Pick-to-Voice.
Posted in System Automation
Results: 35 Blog Posts found.


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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

