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5 Benefits of Effective Warehouse Mechanical, Software and Automation Solutions Training

June 12, 2024
We’ve seen it time and time again with various customers, across industries. Your automated warehouse system is integrated, tested and is meeting expectations, but to further unlock the potential of your material handling automation investment, a thorough and effective technical training goes a long way Bastian Solutions' approach to training our customers incorporates both classroom sessions and hands-on learning, fostering an environment where trainees engage in day-in-the life scenarios of operational and maintenance procedures, becoming personally invested in their own learning.

Addressing Labor Shortages and Turnover in Material Handling with Automated Picking Solutions

January 31, 2024
In the dynamic warehouse operations and logistics industry, a prominent issue consistently arises in corporate discussions and daily floor operations: the challenge of labor shortages and high employee turnover. As supply chain, operations, and production leaders, you know how these labor issues strain daily operations and threaten long-term growth and efficiency. The current scenario presents a stark contrast – while there's a booming demand for logistics and warehouse services, finding and retaining skilled labor to meet this demand has become increasingly more difficult. Frequent turnover amplifies these issues, leading to operational delays, escalating costs, and a decline in employee morale.

Expanding WMS Functionality with WES Integration

May 03, 2023
While automation equipment is certainly a large factor in optimizing warehouse operations, it’s important to remember that the software managing the system is just as vital. For automation, the WES can help expand on WMS functionality, helping to improve total warehouse communication, simplify integration, enhance visibility and more.

Increase Operational Throughput Using the Theory of Constraints Principles

April 05, 2023
All inbound and outbound warehouse operations such as receiving, putaway, picking or packing, for example, formulate a series of dependent events. These events occur in sequence and are, to some extent, interlinked to the events preceding or following them.

The Value of Intralogistics Software in Effective Material Handling

February 15, 2023
Material handling is a very exciting industry to be a part of in 2023. The demand for fast, efficient and reliable storage and fulfillment is higher than ever, which has led to some amazing advancements in technology. Goods to person systems, robotics, automated trailer loading, and automated vehicles are just a few of the amazing technologies that everyone in the industry is talking about. These solutions can add incredible value to a distribution center, but there is a critical piece behind the scenes that can make or break the entire system: software.

3 Tips on Successful Automation Integration

November 30, 2022
Determining which material handling automation is best for your warehouse is challenging. From sifting through the vast amount of automated equipment options to identifying immediate and future operational needs, it’s not a task accomplished in a business day. And truthfully, the challenge doesn’t end once you’ve selected your new system. The next objective is to ensure the technology fits and optimizes your operations. Seamless integration and full utilization of the new system aren’t a given. It takes time, communication and planning. Before implementing any solution, consider these three tips for successful automation integration.
Posted in General Blogs

Automation: A Backbone to Streamline your Omnichannel Processes

November 23, 2022
In this fast-paced industry where customers are looking for the fastest delivery and using multiple channels to complete their purchases, brands need to be nonstop active. Today, almost all consumers check reviews and compare prices both online and offline before making a purchase.

Key Interface Testing for a Successful and Seamless AS/RS Integration

June 01, 2022
The testing phase is one of the most crucial and often overlooked project phases when planning for an AS/RS (automated storage and retrieval system). Selecting an optimal technology for a customer’s specific needs is only the first step of the process, testing helps to highlight additional opportunities, refine warehouse operations with the new automation, as well as mitigate unforeseen challenges. As we look into what goes into a typical test plan for an AS/RS, there are four stages that can be considered testing staples: remote interface testing, internal integration testing, integration testing with the customer and UAT (user acceptance testing) with the customer.

How to Navigate Significant Shifts When Upgrading Warehouse Software

May 18, 2022
Supply chains and warehouse operations are under a spotlight with many moving towards adding small- and large-scale automation solutions with software upgrades to match. Identifying and navigating those changes is not easy but the right warehouse software platform and integrator can help make the shift seamless.

Is Pick to Light Right for You? Streamline Picking Processes with Easy, Visual Cues

April 27, 2022
Are you looking for a way to eliminate waste within your picking process? Are you struggling to achieve accuracy metrics? Does your operation suffer from constant turnover or accommodate seasonality? If any of these scenarios hit a little too close to home, a pick to light solution may be a good choice to optimize your operation! In this article, I will go over the functionality, advantages and operations best suited for this technology.

Achieving Success with Goods to Person Starts with Software

March 17, 2022
With all this innovation and growth in the goods to person warehouse automation sector, it’s vital to factor the impact on the whole system’s integration, tied together through software and controls. To compensate, WES systems are getting larger and more complex in order to integrate with new technologies provided by other vendors coming to market. To truly optimize a goods to person system, customers should consider each GTP technology’s merits, but also the software that will manage its operations.

The Value of WES Software in a Modern Warehouse

February 02, 2022
In these cases, either the host ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system or the WMS (Warehouse Management System) controls inventory and is the brain of the entire warehouse. The WES (Warehouse Execution System), on the other hand, is responsible for controlling the various islands of automation to complete tasks given by the host or WMS system. This might all seem a bit complicated at first. After all, if the WMS is like a brain, why can’t it just control everything in the warehouse on its own? Are multiple systems really better and more cost-effective than one? As I will explain below, a WES can greatly improve operations where automation is involved in many ways.

Modernizing DC Operations: Automation Requires Management

March 24, 2021
More companies are starting to prioritize automation while those that had already put a lot of focus on automation are not looking to slow down. In fact, there is greater emphasis on it. Companies are realizing the competitive advantages that automation provides and are starting to challenge why adding a goods to person or ASRS system may or may not work in their business.

The Value of a Good System Test Plan and Test Scenarios

November 06, 2019
As distribution centers become more automated, a well thought-out and formal warehouse system test plan and test scenarios can help conquer these increasingly complex systems.
Posted in System Automation

A Guide to Testing Your Warehouse Execution System (WES)

October 16, 2018
A WES is a powerful tool that can help a wide range of warehouse DCs. Here’s what’s required to properly test and implement a warehouse execution system..

Understanding Host System Integration with Exacta Intralogistics Software

August 07, 2018
Integrating supply chain software may seem intimidating, but with the help of our experts and a good software package such as Exacta, connecting your host software system to your automated material handling system is easy.

Understanding Host System Integration with Exacta Intralogistics Software

August 07, 2018
Integrating supply chain software may seem intimidating, but with the help of our experts and a good software package such as Exacta, connecting your host software system to your automated material handling system is easy.

Supply Chain Software: What are Unit Tests and Why Should You Care?

October 11, 2017
Unit testing has become quite the buzzword over the past several years, but what is and why should you care? Learn more about this process and how it can help.

7 Reasons for Project Failure and How to Avoid Them

August 06, 2013
Project management is filled with daily challenges, from the planned to unplanned, and often it is the failures of a project that teach us the most. Any project manager worth their salt will acknowledge that the failures and misses during their careers taught them valuable lessons while making them better at their job.

What You Should Expect From a Warehouse Control System

May 21, 2013
Making the move to automate warehouse processes and operations is no small decision. Not to mention that choosing the type of automation, and how much of it you plan to install, can significantly affect the success of the project. There are many factors to consider and...

Do You Know the Difference Between SaaS and Cloud Computing?

June 27, 2012
When talking about software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing, people tend to use the two terms interchangeably. Although the two technologies are related, they are not the same. So what is the distinction? Simply put, SaaS is a type of cloud computing . Let’s roll up our sleeves and dig into the specifics so you can better select services and products that will benefit your organization... Continue Reading >>
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