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3 Key Factors in Goods to Person Throughput Design

January 10, 2024
From a mechanical standpoint, a goods-to-person system certainly can attain the tote delivery rate advertised on a vendor’s website.  However, these advertised rates do not consider the primary determinant for the throughput rate that is actually realized at a goods-to-person work station – the pick cycle time. 

Warehouse Data Analysis: Time Consuming but Vital

August 02, 2023
“Garbage in, garbage out”; that’s the typical mantra for simulation and consulting studies as it relates to the quality of the inputs and the resultant quality of the outputs. Having worked with companies small and large, across a variety of industries, we know one thing is true – every bit of detail counts to ensure we can help our customers maximize their operations.

5 Methods for Reducing Product Loss in Your Warehouse

July 20, 2022
There are a few major concerns in distribution system design that need to be consistently addressed. One of the most critical cost concerns is financial waste through damaged product. In a post-recession era when companies are working to “stay lean”, managing product waste is a tangible area where capital investment can lead to great returns.

Lean Warehousing: The 5S Method

April 13, 2022
Developing a Lean culture in your organization is a multi-step process and, in this article, we will discuss one step in particular: establishing a 5S program.

The 8 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing Applied to Warehouse Operations

February 16, 2022
Using lean manufacturing principles to increase efficiency and productivity in warehouse operations by eliminating wasteful, non-value-added components. Read: The 8 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing Applied to Warehouse Operations

Accurately Visualize Robotic Systems with Computer Simulations

June 09, 2021
As industrial robotic technology has improved over the years, so has related simulation software. So much so, that a majority of the upfront programming for a robotic system is typically now completed in simulation software first before being implemented in a physical robot. The sophisticated software programs used for robotic simulations replicate real world robotic conditions within a 3D virtual environment. These tools allow for detailed customization providing a reliably clear view of how a robot will operate before its built and integrated. This gives customers peace of mind of how their investment will support their operations.

4 Steps for Evaluating and Deciding on DC Automation

May 26, 2021
If your distribution center has grown in both SKUs and order volume or your typical order has shifted from retail to more ecommerce sales resulting in larger requests for smaller orders; it’s possible your picking productivity isn’t where it should be.

Adapting Manufacturing Strategies for Direct to Consumer Fulfillment

March 31, 2021
The internet, since its adoption in the 1990s, is an amazing place that consistently opens new doors and creates new opportunities. Business models continue to adapt to our new connected reality. Increasingly, consumers are working their way up the supply chain. Retailers first felt this push as customers are happy to cut brick and mortar stores out of their daily routine and make purchases directly from the warehouse through digital storefronts. This has led to the development and dominance of omnichannel distribution models, delivering a variety of goods and brands under one company. They are required to compete with online-only retailers like Amazon. This was a dramatic shift for the distribution center.

Modernizing DC Operations: Automation Requires Management

March 24, 2021
More companies are starting to prioritize automation while those that had already put a lot of focus on automation are not looking to slow down. In fact, there is greater emphasis on it. Companies are realizing the competitive advantages that automation provides and are starting to challenge why adding a goods to person or ASRS system may or may not work in their business.

7 Ways to Help Your Warehouse Employees Work at Peak Performance

December 29, 2020
For years, logistics consultants, material handling engineers , and supply chain execution providers have been slicing-and-dicing warehouse statistics in a quest to enhance employee performance for the ultimate purpose of bringing profitable dollars to the bottom line. While having tangible statistics and historical records of warehouse operation is important, I suggest that these benchmarks alone will not drive peak employee or warehouse performance.

Goods to Person Systems Stretch Beyond Social Distancing Benefits

December 09, 2020
Various goods-to-person technologies have risen to the challenge of social distancing by creating naturally spaced workstations for employees and allowing companies to continue their business momentum. In some cases, ramping up to match shifts like we’ve seen in ecommerce. In Q3 2020, about $1 in every $5 was spent on online sales, according to U.S. Commerce Department retail data.

Black Friday Prep: Peak Season Trends

November 06, 2020
Although 2020 has been an unpredictable year with unprecedented commerce demands, this year worldwide ecommerce sales have already increased by 18% more than last year. That’s $3.5 trillion USD, according to Shopify. And, it’s expected to nearly double by 2023 to more than $6.5 trillion. Chances are that planning was already underway to shift processes to accommodate for the expected growth in ecommerce before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. However, the state of the world during the pandemic greatly shortened the time frame in which updates and changes needed to be made. Companies everywhere scrambled to quickly pivot based on their unique situations.

5 Order Fulfillment Technologies to Keep an Eye On

October 28, 2020
As an independent systems integrator, Bastian Solutions is constantly evaluating the latest cutting-edge technologies. Largely driven by the continued growth of ecommerce, advancements in automated order fulfillment solutions continue at an unprecedented pace. Here are five order fulfillment technologies to keep an eye on…

Hyper-Local Fulfillment 101: Permanent Changes in Buyer Behavior

October 14, 2020
This supply chain evolution has created the need for hyper-local fulfillment, which also comes with its own challenges. Customers expect things like free or low-cost shipping, same or next day delivery, hassle-free returns and inventory to be always in stock, just to name a few.

Breaking the Ice on Cold Storage Automation

October 08, 2020
Bastian Solutions’ Supply Chain Explained: LIVE webinar series continued with Robert Humphry, manager of systems sales taking a look at the complicated industry of frozen and refrigerated goods.

B2B Warehousing: Automation to Transform your Operations

September 30, 2020
Our second webinar of the Supply Chain Explained: LIVE series featured advice from Bastian Solutions’ Director of Consulting, Jason Tenorio, on challenges everyone in the B2B warehousing world is facing.

Microfulfillment Part 2: Pros and Cons

July 29, 2020
The term “microfulfillment center” has quickly become one of the top buzzwords in material handling. But what is it and is investing in it the right decision for your supply chain?

Microfulfillment Part 1: What is Microfulfillment?

July 22, 2020
Without a doubt, microfulfillment is one of the hottest trends in supply chain. The ability to get products into consumers’ hands quicker than your competitors is the ultimate leg up, so not only is it a trend, but it’s a strategy enabling today’s retailers to decentralize fulfillment, create a better customer experience and redefine the retail landscape. So, what is it?

Promoting Warehouse Worker Safety Post-COVID-19

June 23, 2020
During this global coronavirus pandemic, people are concerned with protecting themselves and their families from contracting and spreading the disease; many go to extraordinary measures to ensure everyone they care about stays healthy. For employers, this protective nature extends to the employees who are the foundation of their business too.

How to Properly Select a Vertical Reciprocating Conveyor

June 17, 2020
With skyrocketing warehouse real estate prices in many parts of the country, Bastian Solutions is finding more of our customers want to make better use of their vertical cube.

Throwing Good Money After Bad: Addressing Failed Operational Investments

June 09, 2020
Throwing good money after bad often happens without the realization that it’s being done. We’ve worked with several clients over the years where the common thread across projects has been an investment in something of considerable capital value that simply isn’t well suited for the client’s operation.

Using a Gaming Engine for Agile Supply Chain Optimization

May 12, 2020
How embracing agility and operational responsiveness in supply chain modeling and network design software gives businesses the best opportunity for success.

Questions to Expect From a Material Handling Integrator

May 05, 2020
In any material handling project or consultation, the first step is getting to know your business and its needs. Here are some of the questions you can expect.

The Importance of Validating AGV Design with Simulation

March 05, 2020
AGVs have some pretty impressive benefits, but only if implemented correctly. Here's how simulation can ensure the right AGV count and design for your warehouse or manufacturing operations.

Replenishment: The Hidden "Traffic Cop" of Distribution Operations

February 27, 2020
Without a solid, well-designed replenishment strategy as part of a fully integrated operation, picking systems can't operate at their optimal level. Here are some tips to help.

Six Reasons to Simulate Your Operations

February 26, 2020
Six reasons you should consider simulations to help address some of the challenges in your manufacturing or warehousing environment.

Weathering the Storm, Part 2: The Balancing Act of Supply Chain Risk Management

February 19, 2020
It's impossible to predict where or when a disaster may occur, but these tips can help mitigate the risk in today's increasingly global supply chains.

Weathering the Storm, Part 1: Preparing Operations for Natural Disasters

February 18, 2020
Understanding how your operation could be affected in the wake of a natural disaster can help your business survive the worst.

The "Final 50 Feet" of Ecommerce Delivery: Trends, Challenges, and Technology

February 13, 2020
While the “last mile” has long been a focus for retailers and carriers, one particularly challenging element is the “final 50 feet” of urban parcel delivery.

Staffing For Peak Season: What Went Wrong?

February 11, 2020
If your operations hired additional staff over peak season and it was still a struggle to keep up, these factors could have been overlooked in your planning process.

Building the Business Case for Distribution Center Automation

February 06, 2020
While there is often a compelling ROI for automating your DC operations, there are several other key factors that should also be considered when building your business case.

Importance of Communications in Supply Chain Management

February 04, 2020
From timely deliveries to employee morale, communications touch every aspect of any business. These tips will help you establish an effective communication plan.

How Automated Material Handling Systems Impact Warehouse Facility Design

January 30, 2020
Automated material handling systems often have requirements that exceed typical warehouse design considerations. These are the items to keep in mind to ensure your new distribution facility can properly house these complex systems.

Planning Your Future DC

January 14, 2020
Planning for a future distribution center can be a daunting task, but these tips for developing a robust plan will help mitigate risk and ensure success.

Why Your Material Handling System Is Only as Good as Your After-Sales Support

December 12, 2019
When it comes down to it, after-sales support is about making the customers’ lives easier. We believe it is vital to take care of the customer throughout not only the sales cycle, but also the lifecycle of anything we provide.

5 Reasons to Study Your Supply Chain Network

August 07, 2019
Whether a company has established supply chain optimization as a competitive advantage or is just starting to explore the possible benefits, here are 5 reasons to conduct a distribution network study.

Joint Process Improvement: How to Find the Right Partner

July 11, 2019
A joint process improvement program should reduce costs and improve quality - if you choose the right partner. Here are the characteristics you should look for to ensure success.

Why You Don't Need a Consultant

June 28, 2019
Not sure whether you need a consultant? This quick guide should help you decide if hiring one is right for your operation.

Creating a Successful Cross-Docking Operation

June 26, 2019
One of the best options to reduce waste is to implement cross docking, but it requires careful consideration and planning to be effective.

Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Part 2

June 20, 2019
While every organization is unique, the steps required to build a continuous improvement culture are the same.

Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Part 1

June 17, 2019
Creating a culture of continuous improvement requires commitment, investment, and empowerment. First, you must understand what continuous improvement is.

Choosing your Material Handling System: A Quest for the Right Solution

May 14, 2019
Your business is starting to take off and orders are coming in faster than you can keep up. It’s starting to look like time for an upgrade to your warehouse system, but where should you begin your search? These tips will help you start the journey.

The Rise of the Urban DC

April 23, 2019
More and more people, especially young adults, are moving into cities. To reach this increasingly important market segment, retailers need to find a profitable and efficient way to do urban fulfillment.

Distribution Facility Selection: It’s Not Just About Location and Cost

March 06, 2019
Cost and location are important factors when selecting a new distribution facility, but don't overlook these important physical components. Read: Distribution Facility Selection: It’s Not Just About Location and Costy

La importancia de utilizar un Consultor en Logística en México

February 07, 2019
Mexico needs consultants to get to the next level. To get there, Mexican companies need to trust that not everything can be solved from the inside. Read: La importancia de utilizar un Consultor en Logística en México

Trends Driving the Case for Distribution Center Automation

January 31, 2019
An overview of the economic and technological trends that are increasing demand (and ROI) for distribution center automation.

Which Products Should Go into a Goods-To-Person System?

January 03, 2019
Considering a goods-to-person system, but not sure which one to choose or what to put inside? Start by analyzing your data.

Trends in Supply Chain Network Software Stack

December 27, 2018
Supply chain network software tools that can help optimize inventory, facilities, and transportation - and some tips to use them.

Adopting Automation and Change Management: What to Expect and How to be Prepared

May 23, 2018
Whether its automating the picking process with goods-to-person (GTP) technology or the pack-and-ship process with tapers and print and apply, the path to a successful automation implementation can be seamless and smooth for some organizations, but also, prolonged and strenuous for others.

5 Tips for Attending Trade Shows Like an Expert

March 16, 2018
If you’ve never attended a trade show before, they can be a bit daunting; however, with proper preparation, they can provide you with a lot of exposure to new trends and technologies within a relatively short period of time! Read: Attending Trade Shows Like an Expert

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe: Picking the Best Supply Chain Trade Organizations

March 02, 2018
Welcome to the world of distribution…or is it supply chain….or maybe logistics? Whatever you call it, your objective is to get something from one place to another. There are hundreds of thousands of people working to do the same. Wouldn't it be great if you could find those people and learn from them?

The Highway to Success – Enhancing the Value of the Workforce through Automation

February 28, 2018
Last year, MHI published its “Material Handling & Logistics US Roadmap 2.0”. The Roadmap explains how changing trends in the workforce, technology, consumers and logistics infrastructure will impact material handling and logistics through 2030. One of the biggest changes we see occurring is the relationship between the workforce and technology.

Industrial Real Estate Considerations for Goods-to-Person Technologies

February 21, 2018
Just as the internet has been an enabler for e-commerce, today’s modern goods-to-person (GTP) automation technologies have been an enabler for e-commerce order fulfillment, especially when those orders are delivered on the promise of next-day or same-day delivery.

How to Select a Warehouse Management System

February 06, 2018
Searching for a new warehouse management system (WMS) can be a complicated matter. It is very important to have a plan for success before starting, and then work that plan to the best of your ability.

5 Ways to Optimize Your Warehouse Processes with Microsoft Access

January 03, 2018
If your warehouse management system provides countless amounts of raw data, a database management program such as Microsoft Access can help you maximize all that valuable information.

10 Common Warehousing Mistakes to Avoid This Year

December 28, 2017
Constraints such as omni-channel distribution and speed to delivery have really put a strain on overall operations.  Given the immense challenges faced today, DC managers and facility engineers should work to avoid the following 10 common warehousing mistakes.

Zone Skipping Your Way to Increased Profits in Ecommerce Distribution

October 05, 2017
Zone skipping is a logistics technique where companies ship their products directly to sorting facilities close to the final ship-to destination.  Zone skipping can result in a significant savings as the costs associated with multiple sort and transfer points by the carrier are eliminated.

A 3-Step Method to Warehouse Optimization

September 27, 2017
While there are many different areas and processes you can focus on when attempting to optimize your warehouse, this three-step method can be applied to all areas of your warehouse in one form or another.

Information Security and Its Beneficial Role in Warehousing

August 21, 2017
If you think information security only applies to encrypting sensitive data and protecting against data breaches, what would you think if I told you that you were only scratching the surface of information security?

4 Tips for New Engineers Starting Their First Job

July 27, 2017
So you just graduated from an engineering school, and you had a couple interviews with a company that went pretty well. With a sigh of relief, you’ve managed to convince them that you know stuff about things. You may have even convinced yourself of the same. For a time.

The Death of Brick and Mortar Retail…Not So Fast!

June 29, 2017
Never in our lifetimes have we seen such as change in the retail supply chain. The traditional process of regional distribution centers shipping to brick and mortar stores has been significantly altered by online fulfillment from the likes of and an ever-growing list of online retailers.

A Review of the Distribution Automation Landscape in Mexico

June 16, 2017
We all know and believe that automation is the future (and in some cases, the present), but what’s different for Mexico and LATAM (Latin America) in general? Why is it so difficult to take that first step to automate material handling processes in those countries?

Click and Collect: Stores Become Retail Distribution Centers

March 17, 2017
Today’s retail stores are evolving, but what does the future hold? Could AGVs or augmented reality speed order picking and take fulfillment to the next level? In the future, will we ever have to go into a store again?

4 Benefits of Material Handling System Simulation

March 08, 2017
Modern material handling systems employ increasingly complex hardware and software to optimize material flow and order fulfillment. As such, committing to a new design, or to modifications of an existing system, can become a daunting task. Learn how simulations can help.

Y tú ya has comprado por internet? Como estar preparado para el Boom del e-commerce en México

January 16, 2017
Cada día vemos como están llegando nuevos servicios de comercio electrónico a los retailers que ya conocemos, así como nuevos jugadores. Esto porque todos quieren ser parte de los USD 3.2 B que representa e-retail, con un crecimiento del 15% sostenido. Leer: Preparación para el boom del e-commerce en México

The Whole 9 Yards on E-Commerce

December 21, 2016
With an unprecedented ability to compare prices and shop around without ever leaving the house, more and more people are utilizing E-commerce. So how are successful E-commerce companies setting themselves apart? Read on to find out.

5 Passos para uma Implementação de Automação Logística bem Sucedida

December 09, 2016
O sucesso de uma solução de manuseio de materiais bem implementada depende de alguns passos importantes a seguir. Um bom manuseamento de materiais integrador siga estes passos para garantir que o projeto for bem sucedido, e que o cliente está satisfeito. Rear o artigo completo

How to Select and Optimize Cost Effective Material Handling Systems

September 20, 2016
In any distribution or manufacturing operation, material must be moved from point A to point B. This movement is not free; so whether it is people, conveyors, or automated guided vehicles (AGVs) being used to transport goods, the cost to move material has a significant impact on a company’s bottom line.

5 Tips on Project Requirements Definition

August 04, 2016
It would be nice if you could download the ideas for your next project to someone else, but today you have to define project requirements. That term is used often and everyone has a different idea of what constitutes a “requirement”.

How to Choose and Work with a Robotics Integrator

July 07, 2016
Choosing the proper integrator to partner with to accomplish an organization’s strategic goals for robotic automation is not a trivial task. Companies have several avenues that they explore when it comes to gathering information, soliciting bids, evaluating, and selecting an integration partner.

Buying Versus Leasing Industrial Equipment

April 20, 2016
When it comes to procuring industrial equipment, we have to look at what option is best for our companies. Many businesses often seek to save as much money as possible when it comes to acquiring this type of equipment. Some businesses have available capital to invest in purchasing new equipment, while others prefer leasing.

5 Ergonomic Products Employees Will Love

February 24, 2016
As we wrap up the month of love and get even farther into 2016, maybe you’re asking yourself, “What can I do for my employees to make 2016 even better for them?” One place to start is ergonomics.

Competitive DC Growth Nationally Drives Need for Space Efficiency

January 26, 2016
The Journal of Commerce reported that big-box distribution facilities of 500,000 to more than 1 million square feet are leading construction activity. These large-scale, modern warehouses give top retailers and distributors the economies of scale of operating under one roof, whether serving as national distribution centers or regional distribution facilities.

Examining the State of Logistics Report

January 14, 2016
Every year the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals produces a “State of Logistics Report”. The 26th annual report, released last June, analyzed U.S. logistics in 2014 and gave a prediction for what 2015 would have in store. Here's a look at some of the key stats and tips on how logistics companies can respond.

#RelationshipGoals in the Material Handling Industry

December 16, 2015
When selecting a material handling integrator, remember to consider who you are, where you are, and where you are going.

Get the MOST from Your Workforce

November 19, 2015
Do you or any of your clients have processes where employees’ expected rates are unknown, based on averages, or quite frankly conjectured from guessing? Rates may be unknown or need re-evaluation because of new or different layouts, or process changes. If any of these situations are affecting your employee production rates, then you should consider MOST, Maynard Operation Sequence Technique.

Complicated vs. Complex Automation Systems

October 22, 2015
At first glance, complicated and complex systems might sound the same, but a closer look at your business model and SKU seasonality will reveal which system will work best for you.

Warehouse Storage Myth Debunked - Equal Space Strategy versus Equal Time Strategy

May 07, 2015
Ask any warehouse manager how to stock a forward pick area, and you may get one of these two methods--allocate the same amount of space to each SKU or store an equal time supply of each SKU in the area. Here's a look at why either solution might offer the same labor costs.

ROI Factors in a Material Handling Automation Project

April 08, 2015
Introducing automation into a business can be a large and intimidating project. A good deal of time and money are generally invested up front in order make the project successful. However, there are several benefits automation can bring about that help justify these expenses.

Giving Thanks for Great Customers

December 19, 2014
It’s always good, especially around the holiday season, to give thanks for all our good fortunes and blessings. In a professional setting, I especially like to give thanks to those who have made my job more fulfilling, challenging, and successful. At the forefront of those whom I am always most grateful for are my customers.

Project Management: Who is to Blame?

November 12, 2014
I came across an article about the GT Advanced Technologies bankruptcy and thought, who is actually at fault? GTAT’s position is that Apple put them out of business with burdensome demands whereas Apple’s position with GTAT remains unclear. Last year, Apple offered $578 million to assist them with setting up their facility. As a project manager, I suggest that both parties are to blame.

4 Signs a Small- to Mid-Sized Company Needs Order Fulfillment Automation

August 25, 2014
You don’t need a giant distribution center rivaling Amazon or Wal-Mart to benefit from automation. These days, small and medium retailers are competing with the big boys by investing in scalable technologies. Here are 4 signs you're ready for automation.

How to Create a Better Warehouse Layout

August 20, 2014
It is important that a warehouse has enough space to operate efficiently. However, it may be even more important that the space is laid out in a way that optimizes the warehouse’s abilities. Here is a 4-step process used by our consulting team to create the best facility layout.

5 Communication Tips for Better Project Implementation

August 12, 2014
During a project implementation, it's important to speak the same "language" as your customer. Certain terms might having different meanings as you switch from an old system or software to a new one, so it's critical to ensure everyone is on the same page. Here are 5 tips to ensure good communication and a successful project implementation.

The Final Step in the DMADV Decision Making Process: Validation

July 30, 2014
For several weeks, we have discussed the DMADV process for decision making. The first four (4) phases (Definition, Measurement, Analysis and Design) have been completed, so now we need to consider the effectiveness of the design(s) through a validation process, our 5th and final phase.

Design: Step 4 in the DMADV Process for Supply Chain Improvement

July 16, 2014
In this article, we continue our review of the DMADV 5-step process for improving your supply chain. Design is step four in the process and involves leveraging the criteria, characteristics and flows developed in the “Analysis” step to look at alternative designs and technologies to create the best facility layout.

Analyze: Step 3 in the DMADV Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

June 30, 2014
In previous editions of this article series the Define and Measure stages of the Five Step Decision Making Process (DMADV) to drive supply chain improvements were discussed paving the way for step 3 - Analyze. During this step, the overall performance of the system is evaluated using statistical models to analyze transactional and inventory data.

Measure: Step 2 in the DMADV Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

June 05, 2014
DMADV stands for: Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Validate. It is a problem-solving approach used by our consultants to help customers make the best decisions for their warehouse and ultimately their supply chain. We've reviewed step 1, but here's more information on step 2: Measure.

Defining the Problem: Step 1 in the 5-Step Decision Making Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

May 22, 2014
In a previous article, we started the discussion on the 5-step decision making process, DMADV, and how it helps you make better decisions in your supply chain or any area of your business. In a series of articles, we’ll further explore and define each step so you can get the most out of this process. In today's article, step 1... Read: Step 1 - Defining the Problem

The 5-Step Decision Making Process to Improve Your Supply Chain

March 03, 2014
Sometimes it can be hard to make a decision, especially when that decision will cause major changes to the status quo or cost a lot of money. So how do you know you’re making the right choice? One way is to use the proven Bastian Consulting 5-step methodology, DMADV, as your decision making process. Read: The 5-Step Decision Making Process

Why Did You Become an Engineer?

February 20, 2014
In honor of Engineers Week, we asked some of our team members why they choose an engineering career. The responses we received were both fun and interesting! Read them all in today's blog article.

5 Reasons Designing a Distribution Center is like Shopping for a New Home

February 06, 2014
Designing your distribution center is just like shopping for your perfect home. When you shop for a house or are looking to build a new one, you take into account many things including planning, work, space, flow, and amenities (automation)...

How a Project Go-Live Compares to Having a New Baby

January 23, 2014
My wife and I were recently blessed with a newborn baby, and the during labor and week after, I couldn’t help but think how the process and activities of being a parent are very comparative to being a project manager...

5 Critical Items to Share with an Integrator When Requesting a Proposal

November 07, 2013
When a client comes to us for assistance in solving facility issues, they walk the fine line between sharing too many views or not providing enough information. Both situations can be detrimental to the proposal process, so for best results here are the 5 key pieces of information to provide an integrator...

Measure Twice, Cut Once: Getting the Most Out of Your System Data

October 23, 2013
In junior high I’d taken a "Shop" class. Here I honed my love for building, creating and also learned a valuable life lesson: measure twice and cut once. I still find this adage helpful to this day, especially when helping new clients analyze their operations and prep for the future.

Why Your Company's Data is Important and Tips to Ensure Its Integrity

August 16, 2013
Everyday, everyone, everywhere is bombarded by data. Nowhere is this more evident than in business because data is a vital piece of the business success equation. For this reason, it's important to ensure you have accurate and reliable data, a.k.a data integrity. Here are some tips to effectively manage your company's data integrity...

Major Sporting Events Require Better Logistics

July 31, 2013
Major sporting events such as the World Cup and Olympics are a critical time for players and teams, but what about the corporations supplying apparel, equipment, food and beer, televisions, and the list goes on and on. For those companies, prepping and improving logistics operations is key to beating the competition during those big events.

Brick and Mortar in E-Commerce 2.0

May 15, 2013
With the recent release of the Samsung Galaxy S4, I finally reached the tipping point and tossed my antiquated Blackberry to the wayside, but when I was researching which smartphone to select, I looked online only to be overwhelmed by the number of options. This led me to visit a small kiosk in the mall before finally making my purchase online. In this instance, and in many others as the trend continues to grow, the storefront served to augment my online buying decision...

6 Helpful Tips when Working with CAD

May 02, 2013
Computer-aided design programs have become a staple in many engineering practices, but sometimes it can feel like an uphill battle trying to get them to cooperate. They have a tendency to be buggy, crash, or unable to execute certain commands. But not to worry, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of things going wrong and to produce better drawings...

From New Hire to Part of the Team

March 14, 2013
Have you ever started a new job and felt like a small fish swimming alone in a big new pond? Here are some recommendations for successfully transitioning your new hire into a card-carrying member of the team.

Girl Scout Cookie Sales vs. Material Handling Sales

March 08, 2013
What do Girl Scout Cookies have to do with material handling? Everything! Cookies are made with various conveyors in the baking and coating process. Boxed cookies are put into cases; cases are glued with automated equipment, stacked on pallets, stored in racks, and logistics services route the orders to the local service centers.

Size Does Matter...When It Comes to SKUs

February 28, 2013
I just had a discussion with a colleague in our consulting group about a client who wanted him to design a picking area. The problem was the client didn’t have any product size information. To this client, the size of a case was “case size,” and an individual item was smaller than “case size.” Regrettably, many distribution operations have little information about the size of the product they are distributing, but know size information has many advantages...

5 Basics of Good Customer Service

February 21, 2013
Any organization providing products and services should have a solid, if not excellent, customer service and support system in place. Although providing top-notch customer service involves a variety of tactics and procedures, by turning these five actions into habits, you will be well on your way to keeping customers engaged and satisfied...

3 Essential Traits of Good Project Managers

February 20, 2013
All project managers are NOT created equal. Some are more schedule-focused, while others are more budget-driven. Some spend more time on procurement management, and yet others concentrate on ensuring scope creep doesn’t occur. Regardless of what a project manager emphasizes, I’ve found all good project managers have these 3 essential traits

Quality Through Innovation Builds Lasting Relationships

February 07, 2013
Have you ever heard the saying “You get what you pay for”? This is usually synonymous with the thought that you need to spend more money to get higher quality products. However, this is typically not aligned with the majority of consumers who want more for less. The higher quality products are expected...

Independent Integrator – What Does This Mean?

January 24, 2013
When describing ourselves to potential customers as an independent material handling integrator, we are often asked to explain what that means. Being an independent integrator allows us to do four key things: recommend the best solution based on your needs, provide many equipment options for your consideration, base our decision on our supplier experience, and offer fast, on-site assistance whenever needed.

8 Steps for Improving Employee Engagement

December 21, 2012
If you ask human resource specialists for the most desired trait in an employee, they are likely to tell you employee engagement because engaged employees work hard, do the right thing, and enjoy coming to work each day. Because of this, it is important for companies to improve employee engagement when possible, so here are 8 tips to help you do so...

5 Tips for Choosing the Right Automation Proposal

December 05, 2012
You spent years trying to get this new automation project in the budget, and you just found out it's been approved!  So after months of planning, you've developed a detailed bid specification for what this project requires, and you've released a detailed RFQ. You might think all the hard work is behind you, but you're actually just getting started. Here are 5 tips to help you choose the right automation proposal...

Seismic Conditions vs. Material Handling System: What You Should Know

November 21, 2012
Planning for your racking and ceiling hung conveyor projects is a critical first step no matter what, but never more important than when installing them in areas where seismic events can occur...

Material Handling Automation in Brazil: New Rules for a Changing Market

August 27, 2012
Brazil, and South America in general, is a very good market as it is expanding, resourceful, demographically buoyant, and with increasing rates of population entering the middle and upper classes, boosting consumption; however, many business models are about to change as this occurs, mainly due to labor cost’s rapid increase...

The Beauty of a Team-Based Sales Presentation

August 09, 2012
In the strategic selling cycle, we are often faced with the decision to sell to a customer individually or as a team. Having been through both scenarios for several years, I would highly recommend the team-based selling approach, and there are many reasons for this recommendation...

Manufacturing Renaissance in the U.S.?

July 26, 2012
It wasn’t all that long ago U.S. manufacturing prowess was the envy of the world, but then numerous U.S.-based companies decided to move their manufacturing operations abroad due to world competition and cost constraints. In recent years, however, a fascinating and somewhat silent trend has developed; U.S.-based manufacturing is making an exciting and notable comeback .

Do You Know the Difference Between SaaS and Cloud Computing?

June 27, 2012
When talking about software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing, people tend to use the two terms interchangeably. Although the two technologies are related, they are not the same. So what is the distinction? Simply put, SaaS is a type of cloud computing . Let’s roll up our sleeves and dig into the specifics so you can better select services and products that will benefit your organization... Continue Reading >>

5 Steps to Eliminate the “Madness” of Your Next Project

March 12, 2012
March Madness is finally here, and there's a reason it's called "madness." The unexpected often happens - which is very exciting in sports, but not so much with a mission critical project. To reduce the "madness" that can often overwhelm and impede project success, follow this simple outline. As a result, you will save time, effort and money over the lifespan of the project.

Is Leasing an Option for Automating Your Distribution Center?

March 01, 2012
Leasing larger, higher priced equipment is a very common practice for all sorts of companies, large and small. This makes sense because there are many benefits to doing so...

Manufacturing and Logistics Facts about Valentine's Day [Infographic]

February 14, 2012
Behind all those flower bouquets, candy hearts, and jewelry boxes, there's a manufacturer and distributor who got them to you! So this year, I thought it would be fun to take a look at the numbers and logistics behind Valentine's Day because without all the behind-the-scenes work, well, the day just wouldn't be the same...

Poetry, Process Improvement, and Stepping Out of the Rut

February 10, 2012
Recently, I attended a meeting where a consultant was presenting his recommendations for a project that involved adding automation to an existing process. One of the key points that jumped out at me was that his justification for this project was focused entirely on the elimination of people. While the consultant suggested that the project would probably go forward because it was a strategic initiative on the part of the customer, I could only think about a more than 100-year-old poem entitled, The Calf-Path ... Continue Reading >>

The Art of Project Management

January 31, 2012
Project management is more or less the art of making things happen, or moving a project forward to completion. Sounds simple enough, right?

Help Me, Help You -- A Project Engineer's Take on RFPs

January 19, 2012
In this day and age, it's absolutely crucial to develop a sound request for proposal, or RFP. There are several key advantages to taking the time and effort to do so, but this isn't a how-to on on RFPs. Instead, it is key information that you should think about as it relates to your projects.

20 Awesome Gifts to Get an Engineer This Holiday Season

December 20, 2011
If you're anything like me, you've probably procrastinated on this year's holiday shopping. And if you're really like me, you have an engineer on your shopping list, and you're struggling to find him or her the perfect gift. Well, you're in luck because I've spent the last week digging around the Internet to find some ideal gifts, ranging from humorous to down right practical...

Safety First: A Review of OSHA Violations and Penalties

October 21, 2011
In my last blog article, What's the True Cost of Your Corporate Safety Program , I discussed the importance of corporate safety training and some of the most popular OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) citations in 2010. Now I'd like to review some of the costs that occur when workplace safety standards are not followed, which often results in violations with costly penalties that can reach upwards of $500,000, and in some cases, even jail time.

Hurry Up... So We Can Save Some Money

September 30, 2011
It's always puzzled me as to why so many companies spend months and years planning and designing a project and only give the material handling integrators two weeks to bid. It's also been suggested that tight timelines provide the end user with the best price possible. In my opinion and past experience, this statement couldn't be further from the truth. Read More >>

It's a Great Day to Be an Engineer

September 26, 2011
Despite the economic downturn, engineering has been one of the least affected professions. In fact, hiring in the engineering services sector has increased 104% since December of 2009. So what does this mean for you?

Evaluating the Economics Behind Your Project Investment

September 14, 2011
As consultants and material handling system integrators, we are often asked to evaluate the economics of capital projects. There are several metrics that can be used to evaluate a project, each with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. However, we are almost always pressed to say what the "payback period" is of a given project. Every time it happens, my stomach hurts just a little.

How the Material Handling Industry Sparked a Marketing Craze

August 18, 2011
As surprising as it might seem, the material handling industry was the founder of today's current marketing craze--the quick response (QR) code. That little black and white square now seen everywhere from your Starbucks cup to movie posters was originally used by vehicle manufacturers to track parts.

22 Factors that Can Affect Employee Motivation & Engagement

August 02, 2011
The magic ingredient to a winning team is their commitment, motivation, and engagement to each other and the goals of the team. Creating an environment that motivates employees is one of the toughest challenges our managers and leaders face today. It takes tremendous energy and time to build a motivated team, but the incremental benefits are critical to the long-term success of the organization. Read More >>

The #1 Way to Increase the ROI of Your Automation System

July 20, 2011
So you're planning to invest, or have already invested, thousands or millions of dollars in your industrial automation system to ensure the long-term growth and success of your company. That's great!  Now it's time to make a relatively small investment that will help you maximize the return on investment (ROI) from your new system, and here's how...

Who You Gonna Call? A Sales Engineer!

July 07, 2011
If your business is in manufacturing or distribution, you are likely faced with a common dilemma in today's business environment -- lack of resources. Nowadays, businesses stay very lean in terms of personnel, and this often leads to some troubling questions for management. One answer might lie in the availability of a good field sales engineer. A field sales engineer (FSE) is an individual with both the sales and engineering experience needed to address technical solutions for your business.

Warehouse Safety Profile: Southern Wine and Spirits

June 28, 2011
The following is list of just some of the safety solutions Southern Wine and Spirits uses to protect their workers and products.

Change Management: 8 Tips to Successfully Implement a New Technology

June 21, 2011
Planning, implementing, and managing change is undoubtedly a difficult task if left to circumstance; nevertheless, these responsibilities are something many of us face.

Engineering Consulting Studies: A Road Map to Success

May 25, 2011
Athletes train tirelessly to master their chosen skill. Countless hours are dedicated to perfect each movement, lower reaction time, and increase strength. The same can be said for professionals and laborers alike. Each group either does or can benefit from dedicated, focused instruction. Whether it is a coach, a professor, or a mentor, these individuals provide guidance to ensure correct implementation of vital tasks.

3 Ways to Reduce Supply Chain Costs

May 18, 2011
Whether you believe the peak oil theory or not, the cost of crude oil continues to rise causing a major affect on a variety of supply chain costs. Last year, I listened to an economist talk about the influence of rising oil prices, and how it will change the logistics industry as we've known it in recent years. At the time I was skeptical of his predictions . Today with gasoline prices at $4.15 per gallon and rising, I'm starting to believe what he had to say. Here's why.......

Creating Effective Safety Training for Your Employees

May 03, 2011
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) mandates that business owners must provide safety training to all employees. However, owners are given the option of deciding what kind of training will be done and what topics will be covered as it relates to their business.

Thinking Outside the Box is Key to Innovative Solutions

April 28, 2011
In today's business world, many employees--including myself from time to time--wear multiple hats on a day-to-day basis. These additional responsibilities, combined with a decreasing amount of time in which to do them, create an atmosphere in which out-of-the-box thinking is often lost.

From Military Satellites to Material Handling, Engineering Processes are Key

February 25, 2011
In the past several months, I have been making the (more or less) smooth transition between my previous career as an engineering manager in the aerospace sector and my new role in the material handling industry with Bastian. While originally it was somewhat scary to move from one industry to another, I was pleased to discover the many connections between my previous career and my new one.

Let Your Material Handling System Define Your Building

February 03, 2011
I want to challenge anyone involved in the leasing, acquisition, or development of industrial real estate to incorporate your company's material handling solution into your building design and/or specifications. Looking first at the processes inside a building and then establishing building parameters will lead to increased efficiencies and more cost-effective solutions.

The Importance of Hiring the Right People

October 04, 2010
Bastian Solutions recognizes that our talented and driven employees are responsible for the success of the company, so we regularly analyze where we need to grow and how we can recruit top candidates.

Functional Specification Documents – Do We Have To?

September 16, 2010
Writing specification documents and listing requirements is not typically a favorite task for a controls engineer. We’d rather be designing, coding, and debugging. But a well written specification can help a project move along more smoothly and therefore be more enjoyable.

What to Expect from an Engineering Study

April 17, 2009
For those of you in the material handling or manufacturing industry, there is a good chance that you are working with a system that is quickly becoming outdated. With today's idea of "buy today, ship tomorrow" online shopping mentality, your system could easily become overwhelmed, especially if downsizing has resulted from the recent economy. But how do you even start to improve?...
Results: 139 Blog Posts found.


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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

