Apparel Manufacturer

Apparel manufacturer doubles facility capacity

A Missouri-based specialty apparel company was quickly growing and in need of a new facility or expansion. Bastian Solutions partnered with the ecommerce retailer to find a solution that would maximize the company's current space, while optimizing labor and order fulfillment. The final solution included a cube-based storage system, called AutoStore, which enabled the retailer to double facility capacity and avoid a costly move or expansion.


Ready to find your solution?

Apparel E-Tailer

Key Technologies

  • AutoStore robotic, goods-to-person system -- The AutoStore by Bastian Solutions provides dense storage of products and on-demand delivery of goods to operators to fulfill orders.
  • Exacta Warehouse Control System -- AutoStore operators interact with the Exacta Touch interface to see what items need to be picked, including quantity and a picture of the item.
  • Put-to-light devices -- at each operator station, the put-to-light devices illuminate to alert the operator how many of each item should be placed in the carton.
  • Bastian Solutions accumulation conveyor -- The low-profile conveyor takes finished orders from the AutoStore ports to the shipping area for final loading onto a truck.


The retailer was able to stay in the existing building due to the dense storage capacity of AutoStore.

For every 1 million units of static racking storage, the retailer gained 2.25 million units of storage in AutoStore, more than doubling facility capacity.

With goods to person picking versus person to goods, manual picking, the retailer reduced labor costs and variable operating expenses.

Picking from AutoStore ports provides a more ergonomic work environment. Operators previously walked 1.5 miles to reach each pick location within the static racking.

Order accuracy was greatly improved with the implementation of Exacta WCS and AutoStore.


Photos of the E-Commerce Order Fulfillment System

  • ecommerce-order-fulfillment-system
  • autostore-order-fulfillment-system_(1)
  • autostore-system-grid-and-robots
  • autostore-robot-takes-bin-to-operator
  • autostore-robot-picking-container-from-grid
  • picking-from-autostore-port
  • put-to-light-system
  • put-to-light-directed-picking
  • completed-order-picks-passed-to-packing
  • operators-package-cartons
  • carton-qc-and-packing
  • zipline-conveyor-takes-cartons-to-shipping

Ready to find your solution?

Apparel E-Tailer
