Indianapolis, Indiana

Global Corporate Headquarters & Indiana Regional Sales Office

Address: 10585 N. Meridian Street, 2nd Floor, Carmel, IN 46290-1069
Phone: (317) 575-9992

Founded in 1952, Bastian Solutions is a trusted supply chain integration partner committed to providing their clients a competitive advantage by designing and delivering world-class, distribution and production solutions. We have offices across the United States as well as international offices covering Canada, IndiaMexico, the Middle East, South America and Southeast Asia.

Our products and expertise include conveyor, conveyor controlssortationroboticspalletizingpallet handling, AGVs & AMRsorder picking systems & pick modules, goods to personfacility design, mechanical and electrical install, replacement parts and more. Our customers span a variety of industries, including distribution & 3PL, manufacturingautomotiveretail & omni-channel distribution, and food and beverage.

As a world-leading supply chain solutions provider and independent material handling systems integrator, Bastian Solutions' experience and expertise delivers exceptional results through a proven process of consulting, engineering and design, simulation, project management, and installation services, while sourcing the best material handling equipment and automation technologies available.


Ready to find your solution?

Take the next step and talk to one of our experts.


Indianapolis, IN




Solutions & Services

Boost productivity and effectiveness throughout your manufacturing, distribution or warehousing operation. By partnering with Bastian Solutions, you can synchronize even your most complex systems and technologies to work in harmony with each other. Let us help you expertly coordinate your components, technologies, and processes by pairing them with the right controls and software for your needs.

Read the Brochure  >



Warehouse Automation Technologies

We stay at the forefront of warehouse and distribution center technology trends to ensure the systems we build allow you to provide the best service possible to your customers.



Ready to find your solution?

Take the next step and talk to one of our experts.

Indianapolis, IN

